Project Overview

SME.Consulting has proudly worked on Canadian and world champion athlete Andre De Grasse’s visual branding projects since 2016. Andre De Grasse’s team knows they can present a raw idea or brainstorm with SME.Consulting to bring their vision to life.


Design, Visual Identity


Athlete, Celebrity


Andre De Grasse, ADG Shop

Collaborative Effort

SME.Consulting has been at the helm of some nationally and internationally recognized Andre De Grasse visual campaigns. Our work for Andre has ranged from designing the ADGxPuma t-shirt that Andre wore at the Olympics, to designing the official ADGxPuma clothing line shop and the official ADGxGoDaddy Race with Me! website.

Our Process for Andre

Working with Andre De Grasse is always a mutually-respectful collaborative effort and that is a testament to the great man that Andre is behind his brand.

SME.Consulting has been hired to bring to life various ideas for Andre De Grasse projects and campaigns. An example of our process for Andre is with the ADGxPuma t-shirt that Andre wore at the Olympics. We created a design that filled an outline of the silhouette of Andre’s famous running pose with words that mean a lot to him or represent important milestones or locations in his life.

Another example is the marketing material for the Andre De Grasse Holiday Classics basketball tournament. The poster that SME.Consulting designed for the yearly event combined the sprint track with the basketball court floor to symbolize his love for both sports.

SME.Consulting continues to work on current and upcoming Andre De Grasse projects and we appreciate how progressive and creative his team is. Andre knows that he can always count on SME.Consulting to continue bringing his unique ideas to life.

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